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Vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

TN Scientific is committed to helping you beat your hangover! The Hangover Pill includes a premium, 13-ingredient formula that contains multiple vitamins geared towards helping you replenish your vitals after a long night out! Read on to learn more in-depth about Vitamin C, a vitamin essential to your daily health.

Vitamin C can also be known as Ascorbic Acid. It's a powerful antioxidant and is also known to help with connective tissue formation, immune function, and wound healing.

Historically, Vitamin C was used as a treatment for scurvy.

Scurvy was a type of Vitamin C deficiency that is mostly associated with sailors in the 15th-18th centuries when produce was scarce on long voyages. It's characterized by swollen, bleeding gums, poorly healed wounds, or the reopening of old injuries.

Nowadays, since scurvy is incredibly rare, Vitamin C is mainly used to prevent and treat the common cold.

Vitamin C has recently been studied as a treatment for high blood pressure. High blood pressure can put you at risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death globally.

An animal study shows that Vitamin C can relax blood vessels, leading to lower blood pressure levels. However, it's unclear if this effect is long term, and you shouldn't rely solely on Vitamin C as a treatment for your high blood pressure.

Vitamin C is also known to help prevent gout. Gout occurs when uric acid- a waste product- forms crystallized deposits in your joints. Due to this, your joints will become inflamed, causing swelling and sudden attacks of severe pain.

Vitamin C is excellent to take if you have a meat-free diet. It improves your iron absorption and therefore prevents any deficiency of your iron. Vitamin C will boost your immunity by helping your white blood cells function. As you age, it can also help with memory and thinking processes.

Vitamin C is a major antioxidant, which means it protects cells from harmful molecules called free radicals. Studies have shown that by taking extra Vitamin C, you raise your antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This can help your body fight inflammation.

Your body needs at least 60 MG of Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, to stay within your recommended daily value. The easiest way to get this amount would be in the foods you eat. Food that contains Vitamin C includes broccoli, brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, citrus juices, kiwis, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, and tomato juice.

If you don't get enough Vitamin C from your diet, a deficiency will look like rough, bumpy skin; bright red hair follicles; brittle, spoon-shaped nails; dry, damaged skin; easy bruising; slowly healing wounds; painful, swollen joints; weak bones; bleeding gums; tooth loss; poor immunity; persistent iron deficiency; fatigue; and

chronic inflammation.

After you go out for a night of drinking, you can wake up feeling fatigued, achy, and sore. This can be due to a small deficiency in your Vitamin C. Since alcohol is a natural diuretic, meaning it increases urine production, you'll end up peeing out a lot of your necessary vitamins, including all your B Vitamins as well as Vitamin C.

Taking a vitamin supplement before you go out and after your last drink can greatly reduce the severity of your morning-after symptoms. The more vitamins you lose, the more imbalanced and weak you can feel the day after.

Therefore, TN Scientific has created The Hangover Pill. 13 ingredients packed with vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, make up this hangover supplement. If you want to avoid a hangover, take one dose of The Hangover Pill before your first drink, then another dose after your last. The number of capsules you take each dose will depend on the directions printed on the side of your bottle label. The Hangover Pill will restore the balance of vitamins in your body and lighten your hangover symptoms!



Crosta, P. (2017, December 5). Everything you need to know about scurvy. In Medical News Today. Retrieved from

Raman, R. (2018, April 18). 7 Impressive Ways Vitamin C Benefits Your Body. In Healthline. Retrieved from

Julson, E. (2018, May 25). 15 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency. In Healthline. Retrieved from

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